Monthly Archives: January 2012


I’m thinking of homeschooling Connor. I know it will be the best for him, it will keep him challenged when he needs it and allow him to take the time he needs on things that he’s having trouble with. Where I’m caught is the commitment. Do I have the strength to commit to this?

This should be an easy question to answer. Yes. Yes I want my son to have this. Yes, I want to give this to him. And when I was six I wanted to be an astronaut and a doctor and a vet. When I was ten I wanted to be a model. At 13 I wanted to be a marine biologist. And when Connor was born I wanted to be the perfect Brady bunch Mom on the block. What am I getting at? We all have wants, and as parents we all want to be the best, most compassionate, level headed, altruistic parent who will give everything for their child. But I have a news flash for you all…


I know my limits. I know homeschooling, if it doesn’t go well, could put me over the edge. So, do I do it?

I just don’t know.

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Posted by on 2012/01/05 in Uncategorized